What's Happening at Westerhold ELC!
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All of the students at the Early Learning Center had the opportunity to make ornaments which will adorn their holiday tree in downtown Des Plaines.
- Early Learning Center
The Westerhold Early Learning Center (WELC) hosted its annual Fall Fest Parade on Wednesday, October 30.
- Early Learning Center
The students in Ms. Maria Armiras's STAR class at the Early Learning Center had a fun time celebrating fall recently.
- Early Learning Center
Ms. Mouzakis Mini School class at the Early Learning Center, which consists of 2 and 3 year olds, regularly enjoy dancing to different songs.
- Early Learning Center
Students in Ms. Steibing's SPARK class had a fun time singing songs, dancing, counting and learning more about the letter "T."
- Early Learning Center
Students in Mr. Rodriguez's STAR class had the opportunity to meet the Color Monster for the first time this week.
- Early Learning Center
Students in Ms. Aimee Murillo's STAR Program at the Early Learning Center are having a fun start to the school year!
- Early Learning Center
Staff and D62 Administrators welcomed D62's youngest learners to the 2024-2025 school year on Wednesday, August 21.
- Early Learning Center
District 62's youngest learners paraded through the halls of the ELC last week, spreading kindness to all in attendance.
- Early Learing Center
All students at the Early Learning Center have the opportunity to visit the Literacy Center for 30 minutes every week.
- Early Learing Center
All students at the Early Learning Center have the opportunity to visit the Math Center for 30 minutes every week.
- Early Learing Center
Students in Ms. Jennifer Jennings class had the chance to visit the Science Center this week.
- Early Learning Center
Preschooler's in Ms. Dion's STAR class had fun participating in a variety of fun activities this week.
- Early Learning Center
Early Learning Center students in Ms. Richter's STAR class had the chance to participate in many different learning activities this week.
- Early Learning Center
The students at the ELC had a fun time particpating in the Fall Fest parade.
- Early Learning Center
Students in Ms. Gonzalez's STAR bilingual classroom had fun reading a new book together this week.
- Early Learning Center
This week the students in Mrs. Tharp's STAR class learned all about pumpkins.
- Early Learning Center
Students in Miss Dion's STAR Preschool Class had fun in class this week.
- Early Learning Center
Students at the Early Learning Center had a great time playing outside this week and making friends with each other.
- Early Learning Center
The State of Illinois Early Childhood Block Grant funds the Preschool For All Prevention Initiative Program for children birth to 3 and their families.
- Early Learning Center
Students in the Extended Day Kindergarten (EDK) program had a great time this week!
- Early Learning Center
Students love dancing in class! Especially when they get to use colorful streamers.
- Early Learning Center
Our young students engaged in learning activities and had time to play with others.
- Early Learning Center
Dubbed "the Pied Piper of children's music", "Miss Carole" is a nationally renowned music specialist.
- Early Learning Center
Students had a great time playing outside in their playground.
- Early Learning Center